A-Town: Maxin' and Relaxin' (or just stuffing our faces)

So after the Dropkick Murphys, Rootie and I needed a rest. And we got one. The day after was Father’s Day, and my brother had a BBQ that was very much appreciated, on a number of levels. Rootie got her first bratwurst, which she insists on referring to as a “sausage:”


So we had sausage, and a little hair of the dog:


The best bit was, however, giving my brother and dad their presents. Rootie and I were crafty, and went to Target (I’ve taught her to pronounce it properly: Targét) and developed some AWESOME pictures we took of my brother and Wyatt during the concert. Then I cut them up and put them in a very cool frame. It turned out great!


Yay! For my dad, I done bought a kindle. Which I will have to figure out how to work. And not steal it. It is tempting.

The other very cute if slightly traumatizing thing is that my mother won’t put my book down. Which is adorable! And so flattering! And I love her support.

But she’s also reading the sex scenes. Which may be fairly explicit. And may be written by HER DAUGHTER. Weird! Weird! Weird!


It’s all going to be fine. Right?

That was pretty much the BBQ. We were knackered and part of the point of Aurora time was to rest up. Which we did! The next day we went MALLING. So much vulgar consumerism! So little time.

Rootie also got to hit one of the restaurants a bunch of people had told her to visit…The Cheesecake factory. We both got lunch specials to have room for cheesecake. But forgot that at that restaurant, “lunch special” is still a meal for six.


But we still managed to stuff a little cheesecake down our gobs…


After lunch we did large amounts of shoppies. Rootie tried on a lot of stuff and I would sit and give the imperial thumbs up or thumbs down. I bought a lot of stuff, because I have no self control and there were so many sales. What was Victoria’s secret today? That bitch is CHEAP right now, that’s the secret! Go buy cute panties! Do it! Now!

Then we drove back to Aurora, where my mom and dad took us for Mexican. It was lovely! Rootie had quesadeillas, which she has come to embrace. Move over vindaloo! Quesadillas are coming to Britain!


I had the cabrito. Which is goat. Dakota loves it when I eat goat, don’t you Dakota!


Mmmmm….Goat! And there may have been margaritas. SCHOONERS of margaritas!


My parents were very tolerant of our taking pictures of the food. Confused, but tolerant. And so cute!


After dindin, my mom, Rootie and I went to go see the Hangover. Hilarious! It was great. Very WRONG, but very good. So that was our time in Aurora! Tomorrow, we’re going to Chicago to be tourists. And then we fly to NYC on Wednesday. Woo hoo! For now I will leave you with this moment of American Dreamz:


I wish I came with extra buttery topping. Just a thought. 🙂

5 thoughts on “A-Town: Maxin' and Relaxin' (or just stuffing our faces)”

  1. I like that it's called "buttery" and not "Butter" topping . . . a little suspect. Your dad looks exactly the same! Have a great time in Chi-town, can't wait to read about it!

  2. Hubby and I went and saw The Hangover yesterday too! After his doc appt. cause we had free tickets to go see it but only Mon-Thurs so it was perfect timing. 🙂

    The food pics are amazing. I just ate some awesome hot wings but they made me hungry for more!

  3. Nicole!
    I received the ARC today! I started Lover Avenged by J.R. Ward last night, so I'm totally finishing it first and then I'll jump right into Tempest Rising!

    Thanks again! 🙂

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