Blast Off! Launching Tempest Rising

On October 14th, 6:00 PM, I was very proud to officially launch my debut novel, Tempest Rising, at the incredible Beekman Bar and Books. Ben Scorah, NYC’S Most Inspired bartender, presided alongside my dear friend, Sam Simmons, otherwise known as Dr. Whisky.

To say that it was a night to remember is an understatement.

To kick off the evening, Kristin (Dr. Whisky’s lovely wife and my dear friend) and I got our hair done. We have our priorities, after all. So we had some updos done for us at Blow, a lovely little place with equally lovely ladies.

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I sort of liked the look on the left, but apparently I’m not allowed to make hair decisions. That said, and after an intervention, the end results were fabulous. Kristin, especially, could not have looked lovelier!

After we were finished with our hair, my mother, who had patiently been keeping us company; Kristin; and I rushed to Beekman Bar and Books to help Sam and Ben set up. Ever the consummate professionals, however, the boys had set up nearly everything before we arrived. The only major thing Sam and I had to do was finish off the evening’s menu. Ben and Sam had already whipped up and named some outrageously delicious cocktails using Balvenie whisky (Sam’s the brand ambassador) and Sailor Jerry rum. So Drs. Peeler and Whisky put their little noggins together and wrote the descriptions, which we had more than a little fun doing. Here’s the fruits of (mostly Sam and Ben’s) labor. We hit this perfect blending of fun, classy, but still slightly louche at the launch, which I think you can see from the menu:


And then the guests started pouring in! I was so lucky, first of all, that my family was able to attend. My niece, nephew, and sister-in-law couldn’t make it, as the kids have something called “school,” but my brother, father, and mother all flew in from Illinois. I am so blessed to have such a supportive family.

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There I am with my mom, Rella; my dad, Dennis; and my brother, Chris. It’s fairly obvious to tell who is whom. But just in case you were wondering, yes, the first, very decorous photo was taken at the beginning of the night, before three Balvenie Barghest’s on my part. The other two were taken at the end of the party. It was a good night, needless to say.

Here are some piccys from the party! Wish you could have been there with us. It was such a great night.

My editor, Devi Pillai. Short and evil, the both of us. I like.
My editor, Devi Pillai. Short and evil, the both of us. I like.
Danette Somers, wife of Orbit author Jeffrey Somers, Lauren Panepinto, and Jenn Flax
Danette Somers, wife of Orbit author Jeffrey Somers, Lauren Panepinto, and Jenn Flax
Orbit Socializes! In the center, our fearless leader, Tim Holman.
Orbit Socializes! In the center, our fearless leader, Tim Holman.
Greg Silberman stars in The Champagne Fights Back
Greg Silberman stars in The Champagne Fights Back
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My indomitable Alpha Reader, the lovely Christie Ko
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Drs. Whisky and Peeler
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The lovely Ken Michaels, CEO of our parent company, Hachette Book Group.
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Mrs. Whisky and my much adored agent, Rebecca Strauss of McIntosh & Otis.
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Signing books for Jack Womack, one of Orbit's illustrious publicists.
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mediabistro's Ron Hogan - my favorite NYC whisky and cigar buddy.
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I couldn't get enough lovin' from Heather Osborn and Stacy Hague-Hill (Team Tor!)
My good friends Ted Schroeder and Wendy Wheeler Smith.
My good friends Ted Schroeder and Wendy Wheeler Smith.
Toasting TR, good friends, the love of family, and really good booze.
Toasting TR, good friends, the love of family, and really good booze.
To Tempest Rising!
To Tempest Rising!

Thanks to everyone at Hachette and Orbit for attending and to my friends and family for all of their ongoing support. I love you guys! And this time I’m completely sober when I say those magic words!

Posted by Nicole Peeler

Author, Professor, Lover, Fighter

6 thoughts on “Blast Off! Launching Tempest Rising”

  1. Hi Nicole 🙂

    Thank you for sharing this excellent post.

    Congratulations on a terrific launch party!

    I loved the description of the drinks.


    The pictures were awesome & it shows how exuberant everyone was.

    I'm glad you were surrounded by friends, family & love.

    All the best,



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