Mind the Gap!

I can’t tell you how good it is to be back in the UK. I really love it here, and this is a good example of why:

It’s a sausage and mash shop, called S&M. You just don’t get that in the States! Not sausage and mash shops, let alone fetish-inspired sausage and mash shops.

The first night I was in, we went out with a friend from Edinburgh, Sarah, whom I haven’t seen in ages. It was a treat to see her, and the Afghani restaurant we went to was delicioso. Check out the glaze on this baby . . .

It’s like a tongue! And it was gorgeous. Here’s a not very appetizing shot of the food, but I swear to you it was lovely:

After dinner, we went out for a few drinks. Here’s Ruth and Sarah, and Ruth and me.

It was a great night, and great to see Sarah again. She has the loveliest Edinburgh accent, and is an absolute hoot. Or a hoooooooot.

The next morning we went to an absolutely amazing deli:

We both had a hard time deciding what to order, as everything looked amazing . . .

Eventually, however, we settled on the bread board (evil); the bacon, egg, and caramelized onion tart; and the cheese blintzes. As my friend Arlene says, it was fat girl heaven.

It was outrageously delicious.

So that was my first night/day in London! After lunch, we packed up and left for Brighton, where I’m blogging from. I’ll blog last night’s and today’s adventures soon! There is much food; my cover artist, Sharon Tancredi; and an incredibly hilarious buy from a sex shop. But you’ll have to wait for that one, we’re off to meet Sharon for another night out! Yay!

Posted by Nicole Peeler

Author, Professor, Lover, Fighter

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