Exciting news! The manga version of “Something Wikkid This Way Comes” is out this week on iTunes (more platforms to follow), from Yen Press. Yen did such a great job, and found a phenomenal artist to draw Cappie and the girls. So, I thought I’d give you some teasers that illustrate how gorgeous Cassandra Jean’s art is for this thing. So today, Wednesday, and Friday, stay tuned for some titillating art samples.
Emphasis on the first syllable. 😉
The first image is one of my absolute favorites, and “amazeballs” is about all I can say about it. I LOVE IT. The devil, throughout this comic, is in the details, and this gives you a great example of how this idea works. Enjoy and let me know what you think! 🙂
This looks awesome! I can't wait to see more of it.
Thanks, you! 😉 Hope you enjoy it.