Hi folks!
These aren’t upates…these are things you NEED TO KNOW. Like you need to know not to drink Drano. Or that I like vanilla cake for my birthday, thank you.
The first thing you NEED TO KNOW is that Sophie Littlefield’s much anticipated new novel GARDEN OF STONES is finally out today!
This book has all the critics raving and target picked it as their Book Club pick this month. I’m SO excited to read this as Sophie’s one of my favorite writers and this is supposed to be amazing. So yeah, go buy it before everyone starts talking about it.
The second thing you need to know is that we’ve officially added a signing in Austin to the little tour I’m doing with Mark Henry/Daniel Marks, Liliana Hart, and Jaye Wells. Click that sentence to read about the genesis of this disaster waiting to happen tour and click here for more specific info about where/when we’ll be.
Mark/Danny, however, has this warning (it’s in the first few minutes):
So you have been warned! Expect inappropriate behavior. Unbelievably awesome, inappropriate behavior.
The third thing is that I’ll be in Boston next week for AWP! I have no idea what I’m doing as I’m so busy I haven’t even looked at my schedule, but I’m sure I will be AT THE BAR. AT ALL THE BARS. A LOT. Cuz that’s NETWORKING, PEOPLE. Info about the con is here!
In other news, I am looking for a loft in Pittsburgh. I’m still working at Seton Hill, but I have decided to bite the bullet and commute. I NEED A CITY.
So I’m all a-twitter with exciting things. But here are your marching orders: Go buy Sophie’s book! And come see me in Boston or in Texas! You have four beautiful cities to choose from. . . I KNOW YOU WANT TO! 😉
Have a great week! xoxoxoxo
Dr. Peeler,
Come to Nashville! We are a FUN city. And I'm "very much fun", according to my nephew. Of course, he also thinks I'm a rock star, so you can trust him. And…….I'll be your designated driver. How can you NOT seriously consider such an offer?
I wish I could be in Austin. That would be a blast. 🙂
On the Pittsburgh front, I was born & raised in the city. Plus, most of my family & friends still live there. I would recommend the South Side for checking out a place to live – bars, restaurants, live music. If you have a questions, feel free to drop me a line.