Hey folks! RT Convention 2014 is right around the corner! WHO’S EXCITED????
Now I won’t be getting there till Wednesday, as Tuesday I give my last final of the semester. So you’ll have to warm up the city for me, mmmmkay?
For those of you attending, here’s a link to my schedule. As you can see, I’m taking part in a number of events, as well as a big giveaway scavenger hunt, for which you could win a Kindle Fire HDX!
To take part in the scavenger hunt, make sure you find the playing card in your goodie bag. Keep it with you and keep an eye out (stalk!) the participating authors. We’ll sign your card and give you one of our individual AWESOME buttons (I’m the absinthe one!). When you’ve collected all of our buttons/signatures, give one of us the card and we’ll put your name in as an official entry to win the Kindle. But no matter what you’ll have some rad buttons and the chance to breathe in our whisky/oyster funk, or what I like to call L’Eau D’auteur. Here’s a pic of the card with all of our buttons:
But how will you find us? We’ll be at our panels (obviously) but we’ll also be out and about in the city and at the convention bar. We’ll be tweeting/facebooking our whereabouts at odd times, encouraging your stalking finding us.
So be sure to follow me on Twitter (@nicolepeeler) and Facebook (personal page, fan page). We’ll be using the official #RT14 hashtag, to help you find us and get yo’ buttons!
For those of you not attending the convention who live in the area, there is a MASSIVE book signing that is open to the public, and we’d love to see you!
All right, I’ve got to get back to grading (I WILL be done with grading before I leave Wed!) but hollah at me with any questions.
Can’t wait to see you in the Big Easy! xoxoxoxo