The CONTEST CAN HAS SPOKEN Or, as my friend has encouraged me to say: I’ve pulled a winner OUT OF MY CAN! And the winner of a copy of Gail Carriger’s Soulless and  my own Tempest Rising is MIRANDA!!! Miranda,…
Author: Nicole Peeler
Over at the League . . .
Over at the League, I’ve blogged some more Things I Like!
Seriously! Like, THE Anya Bast! The real one! Not the one who lives in Montana who has no clue why people keep telling her to write more books. The REAL Anya Bast! And she read Tempest Rising! And LIKED IT!…
Vote for Meeeeee! (and the other Leaguers!)
There’s a big cover survey here, and TR has been nominated “most unique” cover! So go vote! Now! I command you! Remember: Voodoo unto others as they voodoo unto you. 😉
The Winner of Three Days To Dead!
The Contest Can has Spoken! And the winner of Kelly Meding’s Three Days to Dead is Daelith! Congratulations! I heartily agree with your spa recommendation. Email me at iheartselkies(at)gmail(dot)com to claim your prize. And to everyone who played, THANK YOU! I loved…
Tart Talk with Alexia and Jane (Vol.1): Tempest in a Teapot
Today you are party to a conversation between Jane True, star of Nicole Peeler’s Tempest Rising, and Alexia Tarabotti, star of Gail Carriger’s Soulless. Because Jane’s very new to the publishing world, and her author is a bit distracted with…
I’m Bitten By Books!
I’ll be doing an online belated-release party over at Bitten By Books! There’s an AWESOME prize up for grabs, and the chance to ask me anything! Go here for more details, and to RSVP and get extra points for the…
Come Meet Ryu!
To read an exclusive interview with Ryu, and enter to win a copy of TR, just go here! Thanks!
Kelly Meding on What it’s like to be a Debut Author
For entirely personal reasons that shan’t be aired in public, my debut weekend was a bit of a bust. So I’m living vicariously through the lovely Kelly Meding, whose fabulous book, Three Days to Dead, is released today! Kelly’s been…
And the WEINER IS!
Sorry, couldn’t help it. In fact, I can’t help a lot of things. For example, I’m watching V on Hulu. And the producer for that show has the name, “Wankum.” And EVERY TIME I come to the credits, I say,…