So my friend, Dr. Ruth, is flying in from the UK tomorrow. Can I just tell you how excited I am? So. Excited. Here’s the two of us in London. We’ve got very colorful coats: I’m picking her up in…
Author: Nicole Peeler
Tracking the Tempest Revisions Diary: Vlog on my NNB
So here’s me talking about my Near Nervous Breakdown regarding my revisions. Okay, it only lasted twenty minutes, so it’s really not that serious. The important part is how I got over it and what I think others can take…
Over at the League…
I’m in desperate need of some fashion advice! Thanks!
Tracking the Tempest Revisions Diary: Day Gark (and some other stuff)
I have no idea what day it is in my revisions. I could sit down and count, but I’m not going to. Instead I’m going to refer to it as “gark,” because that’s the noise I make when I look…
I vlogged!
I video blogged! Or “vlogged,” as they say in the “industry!” Is there a blogging industry? I have no idea! but I VLOGGED! It’s HERE! Enjoy. And then we have this little beauty: Tempest Rising in a Nutshell
This Just In!
First author quotation for Tempest Rising, from one of my all time favorite  UF writers, RACHEL CAINE! “Grounded equally in ancient myth and the challenges of modern life, Jane True lives up to her name … true, and truly unique! A fascinating,…
Tracking the Tempest Revisions Diary: Day 16
This week was AWESOME, work wise. I’m on chapter 11, so I’ve basically finished the first third of major rewriting I had to do, which included quite a few whole chapters or sections that needed written from scratch. I think…
Tracking the Tempest Revisions Diary: Day 12
As I was in NOLA, stuffing my face, over the last weekend, we skipped from Day 6 to Day 12 here in Revisions Paradise. The good thing is that my trip was actually really productive, workwise, and it was also…
NOLA Recap: or, Pass the Activia, Please
So I just returned from EATING MY WAY THROUGH NEW ORLEANS. Seriously. If it wasn’t tied down, I stuck it in my gob. I was in NOLA with my wonderful friend, Christopher Hennessy, poet and all around lovely guy. You…
NOLA Binge Diary: Day 3
Breakfast: beignets with cafe au lait. Lunch: Cliff Bar (hey, I was hurtin’ after the preceding days three squares) Dinner: Acme’s grilled oysters and red beans, rice, and Andouille sausage. Dessert: Just to round out my visit, more coffee and…