Breakfast: BACON, BACON, with a side of BACON. Lunch: Pork chop, with really porky red beans, rice, and skillet corn bread with bacon. (are you noticing a swine trend?) Snack: A lemon-lime snowball and an Abita Amber Dinner tonight: We’re…
Author: Nicole Peeler
NOLA Binge Diary: Day 1
1 Abita Amber 2 Abita Purple Haze One order fried crawfish One AMAZING Caesar salad One order escargot, which was basically a snail pot pie HUGE freaking strawberry shortcake with Louisiana strawberries And now, BED. G’night folks.
Tracking the Tempest Revisions Diary: Day 6
Hi ya’ll. Yesterday  was a big ole waste of time, in that I didn’t really get much writing done. I got a lot of cutting and pasting done, but nothing was really accomplished. I did, however, do a bunch of…
Tracking the Tempest Revisions Diary: Day 5
So I’m all set to rock out writing, and I’ve already got a good start. But the problem is that I’m the worst procrastinator, EVER, and I am shaking my fist at Twitter. Twitter is the bane of my existence,…
Tracking the Tempest Revisions Diary: Day 4
Yesterday I went over my updated outline, again, and then emailed it to my editor at Orbit, Devi Pillai, and my agent at McIntosh and Otis, Rebecca Strauss. About a half hour later, Devi called and we chatted about the…
Tracking the Tempest Revisions Diary: Day 3
So I had to do what must be the most painful thing possible in revisions: I had to cut a whole storyline, which meant I had to cut MY FAVORITE CHAPTER. Why do I love the chapter? It’s pure fun.…
Tracking the Tempest Revisions Diary: Day 2
Today I’m expanding my new rough outline for my second novel. I’m still leaving it big and rough and loose; I don’t want to invest too much time in it in case the editor pooh-poohs my course of action. After…
Tracking the Tempest Revisions Diary: Day 1
So, today I’ve officially begun revising Tracking the Tempest, Book Two in the Jane True Series. Basically what I’m doing for these revisions is completely hacking apart the first third of the book, making significant changes to the second third,…
Existential crisis? Or just lazy?
So I’m DONE GRADING. Thank you. Thank you. I’ve even, with the help of Mary Lois, put my grades into Moodle. The grade grubbing shall commence very soon. In the meantime, I am having an existential crisis. It is 2:41,…
Over at the League . . .
On Motherhood and Vampirism. Spanks!