So I’m nearly done with finals, and I am totally on top of my grading. Which surprises even me. I’m so on top of my grading that I feel smug. I look smug. I radiate smug. I enter my grades…
Author: Nicole Peeler
Git 'er while she's hot!
Miss True is now available for pre-order on Amazon! Borders and Barnes & Noble should be available soon, as well. And don’t forget your neighborhood indie book store! ‘Cause today is Buy Indie Day! YAY!
World Building 101: a Redux
So, here’s the blog post I said I’d write about what happened at my world building workshop. But first I want to set up why I did this workshop and how it became something a little different from what I’d…
World Building 101
So, I ran a little workshop at my University on Wednesday about World Building. Â I’m going to blog about that for my next few posts. Â Firstly, I’m going to put up the handout I made for my students. Â Then I’ll…
Over at the League . . .
I need help naming our new belly dancing troupe! There’s also some info on an upcoming (free!) workshop I’m running at LSU in Shreveport, this Wed. Come on down if you’re in the area!
Odds and Ends . . .
First of all, I’d like to say congratulations to Wolfgang Hinck, who won the whole shebang in the Prof. of the Year. Â I’m really chuffed for him and jealous of his heavy, heavy award. Â It was, quite honestly, the heaviest…
Thanks, LSUSers!
So, I just found out last night that I’m a finalist for LSUS’s 2009 Professor of the Year award.  It’s an incredible honor, and I am very humbled. Basically, students had to go out of their way to vote for…
On Narcissism and Protagonists
So I’m doing a shit ton of interview questions for Falcata Times, some of which they’ll use in their magazine  and all of which will go up as a FAQ section of this website, eventually.  (I’m halfway through, Gareth, I…
What I Learned From Copyediting
So I just finished reviewing my copyedits from Orbit. Â They were great. Â Whoever did the copyedits was super thorough, which I really, really appreciate. Â I did learn a few things for next time, however. Â And I will share them with…
Smolder: Live at the Radisson
Smolder, live at the Radisson Lead Guitarist: Dakota Cassidy Bass: Mary Lois White Drums: Jaye Wells: Vocal stylings: Nicole Peeler This is what we get up to when we’re unsupervised.