So I’m still furiously grading and haven’t really had time to do anything on the third book. I also have a coooold. Boo to that! But I did post a rather interesting (at least, to me) discussion on why the…
Author: Nicole Peeler
The (purely symbolic) Awakening
So it’s March 1, which means I’ve officially started Tempest’s Legacy, the third book in the Jane True series. I say, “officially,” because I don’t have time at the moment to do more than start a folder, called Tempest’s Legacy,…
Thanks, ya'll!
I just sent off my dedication, acknowledgements, and my short interview to Orbit. Thanks to EVERYONE who contributed questions! Â I could only answer eight, so it was tough to choose which ones. Â But with the help of Jennifer Flax, from…
Nikki Does Derrida
So I’m Albuquerque, at the SW/TX PCA/ACA conference, “Reeling in the Years.” Â I’m giving a paper on the vexed connections between fiction, testimony, and truth-telling, as philosophized by Jacques Derrida using a text by Maurice Blanchot as his inspiration. Â It’s…
Nicole Peeler needs YOU!
So, if you’re familiar with Orbit’s books, you know that they like to do an interview at the end of a debut author’s first book. If you’re not familiar, Orbit likes to do an interview with debut authors and print…
NOT just another Manic Monday . . .
Oh.  My.  Gods. Check it: Tempest Rising Cover by the amazing artist Sharon Tancredi!  For Orbit’s take on the whole thing, go here! For those of you in the Port, it’s another Beer and Bellydancing Monday . . . and since…
Size Does Matter . . .
. . . when it comes to printers! Â I had a very small printer. Â Now I have a very LARGE printer: I am impressed with its performance. Â It spat out my entire manuscript (double sided!) while I was taking my…
On Commitment Issues and Revisions. . .
So, those that know me are probably aware that I have commitment issues. Â I like being footloose and fancy free. Â I can always (I hope) be relied on as a friend, but things that tie me down make me all…
Hmmm . . .
    So I’m a little freaked out by my Mangatar. I think it sorta actually looks like me, if I were manga.  Keep in mind the hair’s been dyed again.What do you think?
Monday, Monday, Monday!
Stay tuned for the BIG COVER REVEAL on Monday! (she says with both enthusiasm and certainty) In the meantime, check out my assassination attempt cum interview of the YA UF writer JEN HAYLEY at the League!