Well hello, everybody! Life here at Casa Peeler has been all about ORIENTATION. I had new faculty orientation last week, and this week we had regular orientation. As with all orientations, I’m feeling very disoriented at the moment. Lots of…
Category: Contests
“All Ratted Up Like a Teenage Jezebel….”
I love me some big hair . . . So I jumped at Matt and Mariah’s wedding as a chance to get me an enormous beehive. I have what I like to refer to as a Secret Shit-Ton of Hair,…
We Have a Wiener!
The Contest Can has spoken! Well, that’s actually a lie. The Contest Can WOULD have spoken, but I have no idea which box it’s packed in. So, instead, the internet randomizer has spoken, and I have a wiener for my…
Pennsylvania or Bust!
So this has been a dramatic few days. I’m gonna go ahead and bullet point this week’s events: Movers came and packed up my house. I am now living with a card table, one chair, my pilates ball, and a blow…
I am more than happy to announce the official launch of Jane True Book 2: Tracking the Tempest! YAY! I still can’t believe I have one book out on shelves; the idea of having two just makes me giggle. And…
The Day Before The Day!
Today’s June 30th, which is the day before the OFFICIAL LAUNCH of Tracking the Tempest! I know there’s been loads of congrats and interviews posted and stuff like that, which I totally appreciate and adore, but my technical, Orbit-declared release…
Contests and Reviews and Launches, Oh My!
Hellooooo my friends! I’m writing this from a Pittsburgh airport hotel. I’m supposed to be in Chicago as of yesterday, but my flight was cancelled due to weather. Here’s hoping I make it back to IL today, so I can…
Tracking Developments and Visiting Jane!
Hi all! First of all, I wanted to let you know that Tracking the Tempest has already been spotted in the wild, in a Borders in North Carolina! So at least one person has read it out there. 😉 In…
Bite Me, You Weiner!
First of all, sorry for the relative radio silence. We have four weeks of teaching left, and I’m traveling for the NEXT THREE WEEKENDS. To say I’m spazzing out is a bit of an understatement. On Monday night I had…
Christopher Moore! Christopher Moore! Christophe…*faints*
I’m a little bit in adoration of Christopher Moore, I gotta tell you. We even have a six degrees of separation thing. My beautiful friend Jana, who lives in San Francisco, lived in an apartment underneath him. When I wrote…