The contest can has spoken! The weiner of both Mage in Black and Succubus Shadows is Jacqueline C! YAY! Email me at iheartselkies(at)gmail(daht)com with your address, and I’ll have your books sent direct to you from Amazon. Thanks, everybody, for…
Category: Contests
Another Weiner! And I Can’t Stop GIVING SHIT AWAY!
So many exciting things here at the Emporium! First of all, can I just say HOW AWESOME were your comments for Werewolf Smackdown. Seriously? SO COOL. You all made me SO HUNGRY with the food ideas/recipes (Thom, you’re amazing), but…
It’s with great pleasure I introduce Mario to the Emporium. He’s fabulous . . . never read an email him with something in your mouth. It will inevitably come out of your nose. He’s hilarious and the books are fantastic–I love me…
The Weiner! And More Excitement!
Y’all came up with some AWESOME responses to the last contest question: What would REALLY win out, brain or brawn? Most of you seem to have gone for brain. And while I hope this is true, I still have this…
Some Pimpage and a Contest!
It’s that time of the month, again . . . the League is stirring and, panting like a Lamaze instructor, birthing BOOKS! In a few days, Mario Acevedo will be guest posting here, and I’ll be running a contest to…
It’s a Weiner!
I’ll announce the Weiner of my Contest! Contest! Contest! At the end of this post. Are you excited? I am. But first, just a few things . . . To see my take on why I chose to write sex…
And what a contest! If you hear something slouching towards Bethlehem, fear not! It’s just that there’s a near-seismic launching of FOUR LEAGUE BOOKS TOMORROW! And because this is such a big event, and because I’m running ANOTHER BIG EVENT…
And Another Update!
Over at Literary Escapism, Jackie is doing a HUGE CONTEST with all us Leaguers! It’s a great big stonking do, so go over there and have a look-see! There is many a prize to be won!
Come Meet Ryu!
To read an exclusive interview with Ryu, and enter to win a copy of TR, just go here! Thanks!
See Jane Bask, Snuggle with Skeletons, and FLY!
Hello everybody! First off, here are some recent reviews and interviews, some of which have contests! Watch out for the contests! Interview at Suburban Vampire Review by Sidhe Vicious Interview at Women Writer’s Review by Peace Love and Pat Secondly, we have…