First of all, sorry I was a bit MIA over the holidays. Went to Chicago, ate like a pig, got a bit of a stomach bug–the usual holiday madness. But I’m back, and l I have some fun things to…
Category: Conventions
Last weekend I had the great pleasure of going to RomCon, in Denver. It was fabulous! I met loads of fans and had such a great time. When I first arrived, I immediately hooked up with the effervescent Heather Osborn, of…
Jane and You are Friends!
Hello my friends! Everything is pretty hectic here at Casa Peeler . . . mostly because Casa Peeler is being uprooted to Greensburg, PA. I hate the actual act of moving, obviously, but I’m very excited for my new job…
RT in Review
I have one thing to say about Romantic Times: I loved it. The fans were awesome, I had SO MUCH FUN with the League and the other authors, and the con, itself, couldn’t have been more well organized. I also…
RT Schedule, UK Editions, and More!
So, I’ve had a ridiculously exciting week and to top it off, I get to fly out to Romantic Times tomorrow! Here’s my schedule for those also attending: Wednesday: Find other Leaguers and snark Thursday: Between snarking, attend Club RT…
Update . . .
So here I am being all secretive about our RT shenanigans, when Mark Henry has already blown our collective wads. You can see what we’re planning for RT, here. Can you handle the Snark? In other news, Tempest Rising won…
Where in the World is Nicole Peeler?
I’m all over the place! For example, this weekend I’ll be doing a signing with Gail Carriger and Jaye Wells, in Houston. We Orbiteers are all VERY proud of Gail, who just made it on the NYTimes bestseller list! YAY…