Put your hands in the air if you’re a true playah! Or just buy some of these books. EITHER WILL BE HELLA FUN. Basically everyone and their mother had some releases this week. EVERYONE. RELEASING. EVERYWHERE. Here are a few:…

Things I Like for the HOLIDAYS!

It’s THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN! When we stuff ourselves like we’re foie gras geese and give each other shit. Tis the reason for the season, RIGHT? For those of you still shopping….SUCKAS! You’re supposed to order all your shit…

Things You Need To Know!

Hi folks! These aren’t upates…these are things you NEED TO KNOW. Like you need to know not to drink Drano. Or that I like vanilla cake for my birthday, thank you. The first thing you NEED TO KNOW is that…

Teaser One: Amazeballs

Exciting news! The manga version of “Something Wikkid This Way Comes” is out this week on iTunes (more platforms to follow), from Yen Press. Yen did such a great job, and found a phenomenal artist to draw Cappie and the…

A Wiener for Juliet! And Speaking of Wieners….

Howdy folks! It’s Monday, and time to reveal the wiener of Juliet Blackwell’s Erotic Cozy Title Contest. The entries were HILARIOUS, and I can’t believe how hard I laughed. I’d say this was an (a)rousing success all around! In fact,…

Another Juliet Blackwell Visit and Contest!

Well hello there, everyone. Today we’re doing something a little different at the Emporium. Because her most recent book, Dead Bolt, is coming out shortly, Juliet Blackwell is once again visiting, and she’s doing a contest. But we’re trying something…

September Pimpage!

September is rife with awesome releases, and I’m putting my official Pimp Slap of Excitement on just a few of them, here on the blog. In no particular order, we have the following Urban Fantasy releases: A week ago saw…

Repatriation, More Travels, Mario’s Bullwhip, and some Pimpage!

Hello mah friends! This finds me writing from Illinois, for I have been repatriated. I came back from London on Monday, and I only cried a tiny, tiny bit. Mostly because I was too tired to summon the energy for…