So with everything that’s been happening here at Casa Peeler, it’s like I’ve forgotten one rather important detail… I’m releasing a book January First! That said, I’m already getting confirmed reports of people spotting Legacy in the wild. With the…
Category: Reviews
On Kink and Coal: Some Thoughts, Pimpage, and a CONTEST.
It is with HUGE pleasure that I announce the release of Amanda Feral’s first smut foray, A Stocking Full of Coal: As you can see at the bottom, Stocking is part of Ellora’s Cave’s Merry Kinkmas. Meanwhile, that title, and…
Still Off Visiting!
Where have I been, you ask? Well, I’ve been off visiting! The lovely Jaye Wells and I are still going strong over at Border’s Babel Clash. We’ve talked about all sorts of interesting things involving heroines, humor, and urban fantasy.…
Contests and Reviews and Launches, Oh My!
Hellooooo my friends! I’m writing this from a Pittsburgh airport hotel. I’m supposed to be in Chicago as of yesterday, but my flight was cancelled due to weather. Here’s hoping I make it back to IL today, so I can…
A Little Publisher’s Weekly Lovin’
Things in the UK are great for me; not so great for Ruth. She had to have an emergency appendectomy yesterday. Naughty, naughty appendix! But she’s coming home tomorrow, at which point I will blog with her AMAZING pictures of…
RT Review of Tracking the Tempest!
Yay! They like it! They really like it! Romantic Times has given Jane & Co’s sequel 4.5 stars, saying, “The trajectory of Jane’s first-person adventures means that this increasingly hazardous ride is fast and furious, but the author still takes…
When My Ears Burn, It HAS To Be Good . . .
For this Monday I thought I’d fire off a couple of recommendations. One is a film and one is a novel, but what both have in common is some of the most creative, hilarious use of vulgar language I’ve heard…
“Jumping Jack Flash” Might Be Jane’s Missing Mother and League Pimpage
First of all, I am flexing my wrist in preparation of EXERCISING MY PIMP Â HAND. For the ever lovely and fabulous Dakota Cassidy’s new book, Accidentally Demonic, is out tomorrow! I haven’t read this one, yet, but I’ve read all…
Dr. Who Is Your Daddy!
First of all, sorry about the title. I have no self control when it comes to an opportunity for a “Who’s Your Daddy?” joke. Second of all, Oh dear lawd and lady, I love me some Dr. Who. And yes, I know…
Review: Crazy Heart
I’m not going to lie to you: I like terrible movies. I think it’s because I read so much serious stuff for my academic work and for my teaching that I enjoy really, really dumb films. My one caveat is…