Hello my friends! Here at Casa Peeler everything is focused on gearing up for the coming semester! Over Spring 2010, I’ll be teaching two sections of ENG 115, which is a rhetoric/composition course. Unlike the ENG 105 I have taught…
Category: Tracking the Tempest
That Ubiquitous New Year’s Post…
I wasn’t going to do a New Year’s post, because I am, of course, ornery about New Year’s. (In case you haven’t noticed, I’m ornery over just about everything) So why am I ornery about New Year’s? It’s because I…
Cover Love!
I am proud to present the cover for Tracking the Tempest, book 2 in the Jane True Series. Award winning artist Sharon Tancredi really upped the ante with this one: I think it’s stunning. What do you think?
Just a quickie . . .
I went to Dallas on Tuesday to see Glasvegas, and the COOLEST thing happened, ever. Don’t get me wrong, I love me some Glasvegas. But I’m a bit obsessed at the mo’ with a band called Ida Maria. They’re Norwegian.…
Yeah, I’m still revising. The same book I was revising before. Basically, I fixed everything my editor wanted me to fix, and in doing so I uncovered everything else that also needed to be fixed, but that had been slightly…
Tracking the Tempest Revisions Diary: Vlog on my NNB
So here’s me talking about my Near Nervous Breakdown regarding my revisions. Okay, it only lasted twenty minutes, so it’s really not that serious. The important part is how I got over it and what I think others can take…
Tracking the Tempest Revisions Diary: Day Gark (and some other stuff)
I have no idea what day it is in my revisions. I could sit down and count, but I’m not going to. Instead I’m going to refer to it as “gark,” because that’s the noise I make when I look…
Tracking the Tempest Revisions Diary: Day 16
This week was AWESOME, work wise. I’m on chapter 11, so I’ve basically finished the first third of major rewriting I had to do, which included quite a few whole chapters or sections that needed written from scratch. I think…
Tracking the Tempest Revisions Diary: Day 12
As I was in NOLA, stuffing my face, over the last weekend, we skipped from Day 6 to Day 12 here in Revisions Paradise. The good thing is that my trip was actually really productive, workwise, and it was also…
Tracking the Tempest Revisions Diary: Day 6
Hi ya’ll. Yesterday  was a big ole waste of time, in that I didn’t really get much writing done. I got a lot of cutting and pasting done, but nothing was really accomplished. I did, however, do a bunch of…