You can find it here, in all its awful detail.* *May not be suitable for all audiences
Category: Uncategorized
I’m getting flooded with tons and tons of lovely pictures of selkies in the wild! A lot of people are also informing me that, while they ordered their selkies to appear weeks ago, selkies take a while to arrive. I…
Interviews, Reviews, and MORE PETS!
Hello everybody! Today brings even more . . . ME! Everyone’s being so great about interviewing me and reviewing the book, and here are two of my favorite interviews so far. The first is from the lovely Jackie Kessler, fellow…
“Official” Sound Track!
I’ve posted my version of Tempest Rising’s Soundtrack on the TR page! What do you think? What might you have added?
It’s Official! Jane’s Been Released!
Today is the official launch of Tempest Rising! To celebrate, I’m going to write a chapter of book 3. I’d like to thank all of you who have sent me feedback on the novel, or written a review, or tweeted…
More Sightings!
Hello everybody! Sightings are rolling in thick and fast . . . it seems as if selkies are everywhere! Don’t forget to send in your photos to enter one or both of the two contests to win a $25 gift…
Big Ideas, Blog Roundup, and The Hunt Continues!
Hello my friends! Today is October 27th, the day Amazon begins shipping Tempest Rising! So, although the official launch isn’t until November 1, it feels like today is mini-launch-day . . . or MiLaDay (said with appropriate Cockney-esque cheek). Ha.…
Mention in the LA Times . . .
I was incredibly chuffed to see this mention of Tempest Rising in the LA Times: “Others point to a rising wave of books involving merfolk and selkies (seal-like creatures that transform back and forth from human form by shedding or…
A Selkie Spotting!
According to an informant at the League, there’s been a selkie spotting at a Borders south of Boston! Do don’t forget to keep your eyes peeled and join in the hunt to win one of two $25 dollar gift certificates…
Falcata Times Review and Interview!
The wonderful Gareth over at Falcata Times has been so kind as to give me a MEGA INTERVIEW as well as a lovely review. He did manage to find a picture on the internet in which I appear to have…