Things I Like: The LEAGUE OF RELUCTANT ADULTS and New Musics!

Hello my pretties! First of all, I have a very exiting announcement. After a year or so of sitting with our thumbs up our asses, we at the League of Reluctant Adults are BACK IN BUSINESS. Go ahead and click…

RT in Review

I have one thing to say about Romantic Times: I loved it. The fans were awesome, I had SO MUCH FUN with the League and the other authors, and the con, itself, couldn’t have been more well organized. I also…


It’s with great pleasure I introduce Mario to the Emporium. He’s fabulous . . . never read an email him with something in your mouth. It will inevitably come out of your nose. He’s hilarious and the books are fantastic–I love me…

Some Pimpage and a Contest!

It’s that time of the month, again . . . the League is stirring and, panting like a Lamaze instructor, birthing BOOKS! In a few days, Mario Acevedo will be guest posting here, and I’ll be running a contest to…

Coming soon . . .

Nicole Peeler will have a real website, very shortly.  Until then, you can find her blogging, attempting assassinations, and generally being rather inappropriate, here:   That said, keep your eyes peeled.  She is slowly learning how to use “technology” and…